Needless to say, the huddled, queued-up masses were not impressed. Nor, as it happens, was the Montreal Police Force's airport unit, who say the accommodating officer was not working on their orders, but instead probably just got a little too much stardust in his eyes.
Where's Dudley Do-Right when you need him?
"The husband of Ms. Berry asked if they could go faster through the line because they were late and they had the baby," Inspector Jimmy Cacchione told CBC News. "The officer took the personal initiative to allow them to go through the line faster, but that's not something the Montreal police supports."
Nor the Montreal blogging community, who, sadly for Berry & Co., were apparently out in full force at the airport.
"I need to make one thing clear," French-language blogger and fan-flamer Marieve Paradis wrote online. "I have absolutely nothing against Halle Berry, or movie stars. They are probably nice people living in a world that's different from mine! I just find that an escort by the Montreal police strikes me as a bit exaggerated. Couldn't she have been escorted by an agent from Air Canada or the airport?
"We would not have been late if we were Halle Berry," she lamented.
True. Though out of all the benefits of being Halle Berry, punctuality isn't the one we'd be most impressed by.